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  • Editorial - STEPHEN E. BRAUDE
  • Research Articles

    • Psi in a Skeptic's Lab. A Successful Replication of Ertelís Ball Selection Test - SUITBERT ERTEL
    • Anticipatory Alarm Behavior in Bengalese Finches - FERNANDO ALVAREZ
    • The Daniel Experiment: Sitter Group Contributions with Field RNG and MESA Environmental Recordings - MIKE WILSON, BRYAN J. WILLIAMS, TIMOTHY M. HARTE, WILLIAM G. ROLL
    • Field RNG Data Analysis, Based on Viewing the Japanese Movie Departures (Okuribito) - TAKESHI SHIMIZU, MASATO ISHIKAWA
    • The Healing Connection: EEG Harmonics, Entrainment, and Schumannís Resonances - LUKE HENDRICKS, WILLIAM F., BENGSTON, JAY GUNKELMAN
    • Laboratory Psi Effects May Be Put to Practical Use: Two Pilot Studies - JAMES CARPENTER

    Letter to the Editor

    • Only Ostensibly Anomalous - LARRY DOSSEY

    Book Reviews

    • Essay Review: ìDenialismî: The New ìPseudo-Scienceî Denialism: How Irrational Thinking Hinders Scientific Progress, Harms the Planet, and Threatens Our Lives by Michael Specter; and Special Report: Living in Denial by Michael Shermer, Debora MacKenzie, Richard Littlemore, Jim Giles, and Michael Fitzpatrick - HENRY H. BAUER
    • Essay Review: Refl ections on Frederic Myersí Romantic Psychology. Immortal Longings: F. W. H. Myers and the Victorian Search for Life After Death by Trevor Hamilton - MICHAEL GROSSO
    • Dictionnaire des Miracles et de líExtraordinaire ChrÈtiens edited by Patrick Sbalchiero - CARLOS S. ALVARADO
    • UFOs: Generals, Pilots and Government Offi cials Go on the Record by Leslie Kean - BILLY COX
    • Controlled Remote Viewing for Scientifi c Investigations: Student Workbook by Michael Van Atta and Susan Van Atta, with Melvin L. Morse - COURTNEY BROWN, LYN BUCHANAN
    • Out-of-Body and Near-Death Experiences: Brain-State Phenomena or Glimpses of Immortality? by Michael N. Marsh - EDWARD F. KELLY
    • The Purpose-Guided Universe: Believing in Einstein, Darwin, and God by Bernard Haisch - ALAN H. BATTEN
    • Authors of the Impossible: The Paranormal and the Sacred by Jeffrey J. Kripal - MICHAEL GROSSO
    • Mind Before MatteróVisions of a New Science of Consciousness edited by Trish Pfeiffer, John Mack and Paul Devereux - CLAUDE SWANSON
    • Consciousness and Its Objects by Colin McGinn - STAN V. MCDANIEL
    • Carl Sagan: A Biography by Ray Spangenburg and Kit Moser - YERVANT TERZIAN
    • La TÈlÈpathie: Recherches ExpÈrimentales by RenÈ Warcollier - DJOHAR SI AHMED

    Further Books of Note

    • The Altenberg 16: An ExposÈ of the Evolution Industry by Suzan Mazur - HENRY H. BAUER
    • The Lost City of Z: A Tale of Deadly Obsession in the Amazon by David Grann - STEPHEN C. JETT

    Articles of Interest

    • Creation of a Bacterial Cell Controlled by a Chemically Synthesized Genome by D. G. Gibson John I. Glass, Carole Lartigue, Vladimir N. Nosko, Ray-Yuan Chuang, et al., Science, 329(5987) - MICHAEL LEVIN
    • Bon Voyage, Caveman by Brendan Borrell, Archaeology, 63(3) - STEPHEN C. JETT

    SSE News

    • SSE Masthead
    • 30th Annual Meeting of the Society for Scientific Exploration, 2011
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