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  • Editorial - STEPHEN E. BRAUDE
  • Research Articles

    Historical Perspective


    Book Reviews

  • An Introduction to the Psychology of Paranormal Belief and Experience by Tony Jinks - LANCE STORM
  • Perspectives of Clinical Parapsychology: An Introductory Reader edited by Wim H. Kramer, Eberhard Bauer, and Gerd H. Hovelmann - FRANK PASCIUTI
  • Pluralism and the Mind: Consciousness, Worldviews, and the Limits of Science by Matthew Colborn - STAN V. MCDANIEL
  • The Neurology of Consciousness: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuropathology edited by Steven Laureys and Giulio Tononi - EDWARD F. KELLY
  • Psicologia e NeurociÍncia: Uma AvaliaÁ„o da Perspectiva Materialista no Estudo dos FenÙmenos Mentais [Psychology and Neuroscience: An Assessment of the Materialist Perspective in the Study of Mental Phenomena] by Saulo de Freitas Araujo - ALESSANDRO H. SHIMABUCURO
  • Shakespeare Suppressed: The Uncensored Truth about Shakespeare and His Work by Katherine Chiljan - DAVID L. ROPER
  • Exploring Frontiers of the MindñBrain Relationship edited by Alexander Moreira-Almeida and Franklin Santana Santos - JAMES G. MATLOCK
  • Consulting SpiritóA Doctorís Experience with Practical Mediumship by Ian D. Rubenstein - ROBERT S. BOBROW
  • Wenn die Dunkelheit ein Ende Findet: Terminale Geistesklarheit und andere Ph‰nomene in Todesn‰he [When Darkness Comes to an EndóTerminal Lucidity and Other Phenomena around Death] by Michael Nahm - ANNEKATRIN PUHLE
  • Debunking Delusions: The Inside Story of the Treatment Action Campaign by Nathan Geffen - HENRY H. BAUER
  • The Woman Who Changed Her Brain: Unlocking the Extraordinary Potential of the Human Brain by Barbara Arrowsmith-Young - MICHAEL DAVIDSON
  • The Aztec Incident: Recovery at Hart Canyon by Scott and Suzanne Ramsey, Dr. Frank Thayer, & Frank Warren - JEROME CLARK
  • UFOs: Above the Law, True Encounters with Law Enforcement by James Bouck and Frank Soriano - BRUCE MACCABEE
  • Further Books of Note

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