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SSE Conference Sept 27-29: Our Youngest Presenters at this Year’s Conference

4 Sep 2024 9:25 AM | Mark Urban-Lurain (Administrator)

Two of our featured presentations at the upcoming 2024 conference.

See the full conference schedule.  Don't miss out,register today!

After-Death Communication with Cell Phones: Investigating Their Nature and Relationship with Psychological Measures

Elena Padilla, a student of Dr. Imants Baruss, and 2024 graduate from King’s University College.  

Ms. Padilla investigated After-Death Communications (ADC) with cell phones and examined their relationship with psychological well-being factors. Survey advertisements were shared with groups including the Forever Family Foundation and Instrumental Trans-communication Collective. Results revealed that 56 out of 118 participants reported experiencing an ADC with a cell phone. Participants scored higher than norms on personal growth and openness/intellect measures. Participants regarded their ADC experiences as real and meaningful connections with the deceased.

According to Elena, she has, “developed an interest in end-of-life care and a passion for helping others through their grief journey”.  Kudos Elena for an interesting study and best wishes in your future career!

Psychic Hacking: Using Remote Viewing to Steal Computer Data

Scotch Wichmann, cybersecurity expert at Meta, with an M.S. in Cybersecurity from the University of Maryland.  He is also a paranormal researcher with a Ph.D. in Metaphysical Parapsychology from the University of Sedona.

Declassified documents from the U.S. Government’s Stargate project show that Remote Viewers can accurately describe foreign military installations, missile silos, lost aircraft, planetary features not yet discovered by NASA, and locations of people from thousands of miles away. One question went unanswered, however: could Remote Viewing also be used to steal data from supposedly secure computers? In this talk, I'll present exploratory experiment results demonstrating that "psychic hacking" is possible. Following established Stargate research protocols described by Puthoff, Targ, and others, I led a double-blind experiment hosted on the Internet over a 2-week period that allowed participants to try using their psychic powers to describe picture, video, ATM PIN, and passphrase targets stored on laptop computers located in Los Angeles.  146 remote participants from 10 countries generated 584 experiment rounds. Successful participants bypassed security defenses to describe many unique details about the targets from miles away. Statistically significant results (alpha=0.05) were observed for picture rounds (p=0.000597, ES=1.075) and video rounds (p=0.000911, ES=1.131). ATM PIN results were significant for 3 digits in any order (p=4.118×10^-6, ES=0.788) and 2 digits in any order (p=7.84×10^-6, ES=0.763). The experiment's security implications are far-reaching, since physical distance, attenuating structures, visual shielding, network air gaps, data obfuscation, strict file permissions, and password protection failed to prevent data theft.  

When Scotch is not working to protect the data of 4 billion users in cloud and AI environments at Meta, he is doing cutting edge research, exploring the intersection between clairvoyance and data privacy, and the potential for cybercriminals with psychic abilities.  Welcome Scotch – we are thrilled to have you with us! 

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