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  • 5 Oct 2024 8:39 AM | James Houran (Administrator)

    We are pleased to share the abstracts of all the presentations from our recent conference (online event) with SSE's membership.  Please see the "Members Only" section of the website. 

    Thanks to John Kruth (Editor-in-Chief), the Journal of Parapsychology (JP) will publish these abstracts in JP's forthcoming "conference issue." 

  • 4 Sep 2024 9:25 AM | Mark Urban-Lurain (Administrator)

    Two of our featured presentations at the upcoming 2024 conference.

    See the full conference schedule.  Don't miss out,register today!

    After-Death Communication with Cell Phones: Investigating Their Nature and Relationship with Psychological Measures

    Elena Padilla, a student of Dr. Imants Baruss, and 2024 graduate from King’s University College.  

    Ms. Padilla investigated After-Death Communications (ADC) with cell phones and examined their relationship with psychological well-being factors. Survey advertisements were shared with groups including the Forever Family Foundation and Instrumental Trans-communication Collective. Results revealed that 56 out of 118 participants reported experiencing an ADC with a cell phone. Participants scored higher than norms on personal growth and openness/intellect measures. Participants regarded their ADC experiences as real and meaningful connections with the deceased.

    According to Elena, she has, “developed an interest in end-of-life care and a passion for helping others through their grief journey”.  Kudos Elena for an interesting study and best wishes in your future career!

    Psychic Hacking: Using Remote Viewing to Steal Computer Data

    Scotch Wichmann, cybersecurity expert at Meta, with an M.S. in Cybersecurity from the University of Maryland.  He is also a paranormal researcher with a Ph.D. in Metaphysical Parapsychology from the University of Sedona.

    Declassified documents from the U.S. Government’s Stargate project show that Remote Viewers can accurately describe foreign military installations, missile silos, lost aircraft, planetary features not yet discovered by NASA, and locations of people from thousands of miles away. One question went unanswered, however: could Remote Viewing also be used to steal data from supposedly secure computers? In this talk, I'll present exploratory experiment results demonstrating that "psychic hacking" is possible. Following established Stargate research protocols described by Puthoff, Targ, and others, I led a double-blind experiment hosted on the Internet over a 2-week period that allowed participants to try using their psychic powers to describe picture, video, ATM PIN, and passphrase targets stored on laptop computers located in Los Angeles.  146 remote participants from 10 countries generated 584 experiment rounds. Successful participants bypassed security defenses to describe many unique details about the targets from miles away. Statistically significant results (alpha=0.05) were observed for picture rounds (p=0.000597, ES=1.075) and video rounds (p=0.000911, ES=1.131). ATM PIN results were significant for 3 digits in any order (p=4.118×10^-6, ES=0.788) and 2 digits in any order (p=7.84×10^-6, ES=0.763). The experiment's security implications are far-reaching, since physical distance, attenuating structures, visual shielding, network air gaps, data obfuscation, strict file permissions, and password protection failed to prevent data theft.  

    When Scotch is not working to protect the data of 4 billion users in cloud and AI environments at Meta, he is doing cutting edge research, exploring the intersection between clairvoyance and data privacy, and the potential for cybercriminals with psychic abilities.  Welcome Scotch – we are thrilled to have you with us! 

  • 4 Sep 2024 9:15 AM | Mark Urban-Lurain (Administrator)

    Two of our featured presentations at the upcoming 2024 conference.

    See the full conference schedule.  Don't miss out, register today!

    Reports of Non-Physical Beings Assisting in Reiki Sessions

    Helane Wahbeh, PhD, Director of Research at the Institute of Noetic Sciences and an adjunct assistant professor in the Department of Neurology at Oregon Health & Science University.

    Across diverse cultures, the belief in non-physical beings plays crucial roles in both illness and healing. In a previous study, participants reported the presence of non-physical beings during energy medicine sessions.  To evaluate the perceived presence and characteristics of non-physical beings, six seers observed 40 Reiki sessions, and quantitative and qualitative data were collected from the seers, participants, and Reiki practitioners. All sessions had reports of apparent non-physical beings, including angels, spirit guides, and possession/spirit attachments. The reported entities mainly aided the healing process, but some were also linked to pathology. The findings highlight the potential importance of ostensible non-physical entities in Reiki, warranting further investigation.

    Dr. Wahbeh is best known for her book and research on the Science of Channeling.  As part of that research, she has, “come out of the channeling closet” about her own and her family’s channeling experiences, breaking barriers to the discussion of trance channeling and the science to study these exceptional abilities.  Bravo Helane!

    Paranormal Folklore in Western Georgia: A Critical Narrative Analysis of Apparitions

    Jacob W. Glazier, PhD, Assistant Professor of Psychology at the University of West Georgia, and Lead Editor of the tri-yearly publication Mindfield: The Bulletin of the Parapsychological Association.

    This study employs Critical Narrative Analysis (CNA) to examine local ghost stories through the lens of folklore studies, situating these narratives within a broader cultural and academic context. The methodological approach involves analyzing the interplay between individual narratives and dominant societal discourses. We collected, using an anonymous Qualtrics survey, ten accounts from individuals in the Western Georgia area. The analysis revealed four primary discourses: (1) psychological misperception, (2) scientism, (3) privileged access to subjectivity, and (4) prototypical paranormal explanations. These were countered by the participants in five significant ways: (1) the extension of consciousness across space and time, (2) lucid perceptual experience, (3) the presence of anomalous phenomena, (4) adjudication to story and hearsay, and (5) consensual or repeated verification. These counter-discourses challenge mainstream understandings of reality and push back against normative accounts while highlighting the critical potential of folklore. Our research suggests that many people have exceptional experiences (ExEs), which then become assimilated into their prevailing cultural understanding of the world.

    Dr. Glazier is Editor of the recent book, Paranormal Ruptures, which takes a critical approach to exceptional experiences, realizing that if some of these exceptional experiences are true, both experiencers and Society will need to adjust core understanding of our Reality.  

  • 23 Aug 2024 9:14 PM | James Houran (Administrator)

    The Augustine-Braude Bigelow Survival Debate: A Postmortem and Prospects for Future Directions (in press)

    We are excited to announce that Dr. Michael Sudduth―noted philosopher and expert on theories of evidence and the justification of belief (including general and legal epistemology)―spent more than a year preparing an extensive analysis that will soon appear in JSE’s 2024 fall issue. He meticulously studied the published exchange between skeptic Keith Augustine and sympathetic researchers Stephen Braude, Imants Barušs, Arnaud Delorme, Dean Radin, and Helané Wahbeh on the merits and meanings of the evidence presented by winning entries in the 2021 BICS essay contest on the survival hypothesis (see: JSE’s 2022 fall issue).

    Sudduth's aim was not to declare a winner to that spirited debate but instead to assess candidly the strengths and weaknesses of the respective arguments in order to extract key learnings and propose recommendations to advance future research in this domain. This was no small feat, so readers can expect a massive (but still a usefully integrative) summary of many foundational issues of evidence and inference with which new students and seasoned researchers alike are encouraged to familiarize themselves. In fact, we think his report will make ideal reading for serious-minded book clubs or discussion groups in parapsychology and consciousness studies.

  • 13 Aug 2024 9:01 PM | Mark Urban-Lurain (Administrator)


    Scopaesthesia and the Nature of Visual Perception

    Rupert Sheldrake, PhD

    The sense of being stared at, or scopaesthesia, is well known; surveys show that up to 95% of people have experienced it.  It is also common in animals. Numerous randomized tests have shown that people can detect when they are being stared at from behind. Not surprisingly, some people are better at this than others, and children under the age of 9 seem more sensitive than adults.  This sensitivity can be trained, as in martial arts programs, and a new app enables anyone interested to try and improve their own abilities.  Recent studies have shown that scopaesthesia is usually directional; the person or animal stared at turns around and looks directly at the starer.  It also seems to work much better when coupled to direct vision than when people’s images are looked at on screens and in mirrors.  Scopaesthesia implies that influences move outward from the eyes of the looker and are somehow detected by the person or animal looked at, but no one yet knows how this happens.  This familiar phenomenon has profound implications for our understanding of the nature of vision and of extended minds.

    Rupert Sheldrake, PhD is a biologist and author of nine books and more than 100 papers in peer reviewed journals.  After studying natural sciences at Cambridge and history and philosophy of science at Harvard.  He worked on plant development for his PhD at Cambridge University. He was subsequently a Fellow of Clare College, Cambridge and a Research Fellow of the Royal Society.  He was then Principal Plant Physiologist at the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) in Hyderabad, India.  From 2005 to 2010 he was the Perrott-Warrick senior researcher, funded from Trinity College, Cambridge for research on unexplained human and animal abilities.  He is a Fellow of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, in California, of Schumacher College, in Devon, England and of the Temenos Academy, in London.  His website is sheldrake.org.

  • 5 Aug 2024 1:05 PM | Mark Urban-Lurain (Administrator)

    We are excited to invite new Student, Associate, or Full Members in the Society for Scientific Exploration (SSE)—a community dedicated to pushing the boundaries of scientific knowledge and fostering innovative research since 1982.
    As a member, you’ll support the publication of cutting-edge research in anomalistics and frontier science, special events, and a network of like-minded professionals who share your passion for exploration.
    Why join SSE?

    • Engage with Pioneering Research: Access groundbreaking studies and advancements in various scientific fields via our platinum open access, Journal of Scientific Exploration.

      This is the only peer-reviewed journal devoted to interdisciplinary studies and citizen science works that bridge various topics in frontier science like parapsychology, UAPs, bioenergy & healing phenomena, cosmology & new physics models, consciousness studies, cryptozoology, and maverick anthropology & history.
    • Connect with Experts: Network with leading scientists and authors from around the globe.
    • Participate in Special Events: Attend conferences, online seminars, and workshops designed to spark collaboration and inspiration.

    By joining before August 31st your membership fee will do even more good, as all new memberships will be generously matched by an anonymous donor!


    Please act now and unite with a movement that challenges conventional wisdom and explores new frontiers in science. We look forward to welcoming you to our vibrant community of influential explorers!
    James Houran, Ph.D.
    Interim-President, SSE

  • 5 Aug 2024 7:44 AM | James Houran (Administrator)

    SSE 2024—A Great Shift: Consciousness, Healing, and Reality (September 27-29th)

    Dr. Margaret Moga (Program Chair) and the Program Committee have arranged an online event not to be missed!  SSE is unique among professional organizations for its diverse focus on, and integration of, various topics in frontier science and anomalistics.  Where other organizations might see demarcations or barriers, we see bridges. Like-minded researchers, authors, and students are therefore warmly invited to attend the upcoming conference. Details are soon forthcoming!

    Meanwhile, please have a sneak peek at a few of the many fascinating talks that are scheduled over the 3-day event:

    SIGIL: Scientific Investigation of Gazing with Intention at Light

    Dean Radin, Chief Scientist, Institute of Noetic Sciences

    Solar Outbursts and the Demise of an Early Cycle of Civilization: Ramifications for Today

    Robert M. Schoch, Director, Institute for the Study of the Origins of Civilization, Boston University

    Paranormal Folklore in Western Georgia: A Critical Narrative Analysis of Apparitions

    Jacob Glazier, Assistant Professor, University of West Georgia

    Successful Replication of Three of Nikola Tesla's Devices Today Regarded as Lost or "Impossible”

    William Beaty, Research Engineer, University of Washington - Seattle

    Attitude Change in Response to an Anomalous Mass Sighting Event: The Phoenix Lights

    Russell Scalpone, Research Director, Organization for Paranormal Understanding & Support (OPUS)

    ...And so much more!  Please join us in supporting open-minded science, not scientism by becoming a Full, Associate, or Student Member today: https://www.scientificexploration.org/join-us

  • 4 Aug 2024 2:32 PM | James Houran (Administrator)

    SSE members will be pleased to know their support of our education and research efforts certainly makes important impacts. This includes bringing frontier science topics and findings to mainstream audiences. For instance, JSE has been in the news recently with two of its articles from recent issues...

    Congratulations to Ross Fellowes! A London Daily Mail’s article (https://shorturl.at/XYrug) recently highlighted his study published in JSE’s Spring 2024 issue, which concluded that the seemingly mysterious deaths related to the “Pharaoh’s Curse” placed on some Egyptian tombs were caused by radiation poisoning from natural elements containing uranium and toxic waste that were deliberately placed inside the sealed vaults.

    Congratulations to Rupert Sheldrake who appeared in the Daily Mail talking about his recent research on end-of-life experiences with pets that was  published in the Spring 2023 issue of JSE. Readers can enjoy the news article for free at: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-13552249/pets-know-die-wish-emotional-farewell-Im-convinced-stories-prove-eminent-biologist-RUPERT-SHELDRAKE.html

  • 31 Jul 2024 4:58 PM | Mark Urban-Lurain (Administrator)

    As the landscape of academic publishing evolves, it has become evident that  sustaining the integrity and quality of scholarly journals necessitates innovative approaches.  The implementation of APCs is a proactive step towards securing the longevity and vitality of academic publishing platforms. Therefore, all papers (except for “Book &amp; Multimedia Reviews” and “Correspondence”) received as of 1 June 2024 and accepted for JSE publication for 2025 and beyond will incur a fee of USD $250.00 for “corresponding authors” who are non-SSE members and USD $150.00 for “corresponding authors” who are SSE members in good standing (apply for membership at: https://www.scientificexploration.org/join). Note that authors’ personal, non-reimbursed payments toward publication costs are tax deductible in the United States. These modest APCs—while helping to offset operational expenses—also align with the principle of shared responsibility within academia. By contributing to publication costs, authors invest in the dissemination of their research findings and support the accessibility of knowledge to a wider audience.

  • 31 Jul 2024 4:56 PM | Mark Urban-Lurain (Administrator)

    JSE has ended print publications with the Spring 2024 issue in favor of a fully online (but printable) format. This approach offers several advantages, including (a) greater cost effectiveness, (b) wider accessibility, (c) increased visibility and impact, (d) accelerated discovery and faster publication times, (e) enhanced collaboration and interactivity, and (f) robust archiving and preservation practices. Note that readers will still be able to print articles or full issues on their own. More detailed information about the impact of this change will be sent soon to current print subscribers.

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